Linux User Management

ac        Print statistics about users’ connect time.
accton        Turn on accounting of processes. To turn it on type “accton /var/log/pacct”.
adduser        Ex: adduser mark – Effect: Adds a user to the system named mark
chage        Used to change the time the user’s password will expire.
chfn        Change the user full name field finger information
chgrp        Changes the group ownership of files.
chown        Change the owner of file(s ) to another user.
chpasswd        Update password file in batch.
chroot        Run command or interactive shell with special root directory.
chsh        Change the login shell.
edquota        Used to edit user or group quotas. This program uses the vi editor to edit the quota.user and files. If the environment variable EDITOR is set to emacs, the emacs editor will be used. Type “export EDITOR=emacs” to set that variable.
faillog        Examine faillog and set login failure limits.
finger        See what users are running on a system.
gpasswd        Administer the /etc/group file.
groupadd        Create a new group.
grpck        Verify the integrity of group files.
grpconv        Creates /etc/gshadow from the file /etc/group which converts to shadow passwords.
grpunconv        Uses the files /etc/passwd and /etc/shadow to create /etc/passwd, then deletes /etc/shadow which converts from shadow passwords.
groupdel        Delete a group.
groupmod        Modify a group.
groups        Print the groups a user is in
id        Print real and effective user id and group ids.
last        Display the last users logged on and how long.
lastb        Shows failed login attempts. This command requires the file /var/log/btmp to exist in order to work. Type “touch /var/log/btmp” to begin logging to this file.
lastcomm        Display information about previous commands in reverse order. Works only if process accounting is on.
lastlog        Formats and prints the contents of the last login.
logname        Print user’s login name.
newgrp        Lets a suer log in to a new group.
newusers        Update and create newusers in batch.
passwd        Set a user’s pass word.
pwck        Verify integrity of password files.
pwconv        Convert to and from shadow passwords and groups.
quota        Display users’ limits and current disk usage.
quotaoff        Turns system quotas off.
quotaon        Turns system quotas on.
quotacheck        Used to check a filesystem for usage, and update the quota.user file.
repquota        Lists a summary of quota information on filesystems.
sa        Generates a summary of information about users’ processes that are stored in the /var/log/pacct file.
smbclient        Works similar to an ftp client enabling the user to transfer files to and from a windows based computer.
smbmount        Allows a shared directory on a windows machine to be mounted on the Linux machine.
smbpasswd        Program to change users passwords for samba.
su        Ex: su mark – Effect: changes the user to mark, If not root will need marks password.
sulogin        Single user login.
ulimit        A bash builtin command for setting the processes a user can run.
useradd        Create a new user or update default new user information.
userdel        Delete a user account and related files.
usermod        Modify a user account.
users        Print the user names of users currently logged in.
utmpdump        Used for debugging.
vigr        Edit the password or group files.
vipw        Edit the password or group files.
w        Display users logged in and what they are doing.
wall        Send a message to everybody’s terminal.
who        Display the users logged in.
whoami        Print effective user id.

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Linux System Management


Linux System Management env        Show all environment variables.
export        Set the value of a variable so it is visible to all subprocesses that belong to the current shell.
printenv        Print all or part of environment.
reset        Restores runtime parameters for session to default values.
set        Shows how the environment is set up. This is a builtin bash command.

Library management

ldconfig        Updates the necessary links for the run time link bindings.
ldd        Tells what libraries a given program needs to run.
ltrace        A library call tracer.
trace        Same as ltrace.

Module and kernel management

depmod        Handle loadable modules automatically. Creates a makefile-like dependency file.
dmesg        Print or control the kernel ring buffer. This shows the last kernel startup messages.
genksyms        Generate symbol version information.
insmod        Install loadable kernel module.
lsmod        List currently installed kernel modules.
modprobe        Used to load a set of modules that are marked with a specified tag.
rmmod        Unload loadable modules.

Runtime level management

exit        Terminates the shell.
halt        Stop the system.
init        Process control initialization.
initscript        Script that executes inittab commands.
logout        Log the user off the system.
poweroff        Brings the system down.
reboot        Reboot the system.
runlevel        List the current and previous runlevel.
setsid        Run a program in a new session.
shutdown        If your system has many users, use the command “shutdown -h +time message”, where time is the time in minutes until the system is halted, and message is a short explanation of why the system is shutting down.
# shutdown -h +10 ‘We will install a new disk. System should be back on-line in three hours.’
telinit        By requesting run level 1 a system can be taken to single user mode.

System Configuration tools

ctrlaltdel        Set the function of the ctrl alt del combination.
isapnp        Configure ISA plug and play devices.
kbdconf         A Redhat Linux tool which configures the /etc/sysconfig/keyboard file which specifies the location of the keyboard map file. This is a GUI based tool.
kbdrate        Set the keyboard repeat rate and delay time.
kernelcfg        A Redhat GUI kernel configuration tool, Start X, then run it from a console session.
linuxconf        Redhat’s GUI linux system configuration tool.
lspci        List all pci devices.
mesg        Control write access to your terminal.
mouseconfig        A Redhat Linux tool used to configure the /etc/sysconfig.mouse file. This is a GUI tool.
ndc        Script file used to restart, stop, start the DNS server.
Printtool        Redhat’s GUI printer configuration tool.
quota        Display disk usage and limits.
quotacheck        Scan a filesystem for disk usages.
quotaoff        Turn file system quotas off.
quotaon        Turn file system quotas on.
samba        Script file used to stop, start, restart samba services when not run using inetd.
setpci        Configure pci devices.
setserial        Set/get serial port information.
setterm        Set terminal attributes.
setup        Set up devices and file systems.
stty        Used to configure and print the console devices.
swapon        Enable devices and files for paging and swapping.
swapoff        Disable devices and files for paging and swapping.
timeconfig        A Redhat Linux tool used to configure the /etc/sysconfig/clock file. This is a GUI tool used to set timezone and whether or not the clock is set to GMT time.
tset        Used to initialize terminals.

System Information

arch        Print machine architecture.
df         Shows disk free space.
du        Shows disk usage.
free        Display used and free memory on the system.
ipcrm        Provide information on ipc facilities.
ipcs        Same as ipcrm.
lsdev        Display information about installed hardware via files in the /proc directory.
lsof        List open files.
lspci        List PCI devices .
pnpdump        Lists ISA plug and play devices resource information.
procinfo        Display system status gathered from proc.
pstree        Display a tree of processes.
runlevel        Find the current and previous system runlevel.
strace        Trace ssytem calls and signals for a binary program.
stty        Change and print terminal line settings.
tload        Prints a graphic representation of the system load average.
tty        Print the filename of the terminal connected to standard input.
uname        Print system information, Prints Linux.
vmstat        Report virtual memory statistics.
xcpustate        Displays CPU states (idle, nice, system, kernel) statistics. Runs in X?

System Logging

klogd        Kernel log daemon which intercepts and logs Linux kernel messages.
logger        Make entries in the system log.
syslogd        Linux system logging utilities.
sysklogd        Linux system logging utilities.

System Security

System time
cal        Calendar.
clock        Used to change or get current time. The command “clock -–w” sets the hardware clock.
date        Print or set the system date and time.
hwclock        Set or read the hardware CMOS clock.
timed        Time server daemon to synchronize the host’s time with other machines, normally invoked at boot time from the rc(8) file.
timedc        Timed control program.
tzset        Used to change the users private time zone by setting the TZ environment variable.
uptime        Reports how long the system has been running.
zdump        Prints the current time in each zonename named on the command line.
zic        Reads text from files named on the command line and creates time conversion files.

X Management and programs

SuperProbe        Probe video hardware.
Xconfigurator        The Redhat tool used during system setup to configure X.
xconsole        Displays messages usually sent to /dev/console.
xf86config        Older version of XF86Setup.
XF86Setup        A newer X configuration program with a GUI interface which modifies the “/etc/X11/XF86Config” configuration file.
xvidtune        This program will test video modes on the fly without modification to your X configuration. Read the usr/X11R6/lib/X11/doc/VideoModes.doc file before running this program.

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Hard Drives: Yesterday to Today

flash ssdHard Drives Versus Solid State Drives

The most recent solid state drives, which are referred to as flash SSDs, have reached capacities of up to 256 GB, and their performance often exceeds 200 MB/s with extremely short latencies. However, only a few of them are truly worth the several hundred dollar investment they demand, as flash SSDs require intelligent, multi-channel configurations with smart controllers and cache memory. The cache is required to enable command queuing, in an effort to maximize wear leveling and performance with changing performance loads. But we’ll stop talking about flash storage, as it is only interesting in the very high-end and the very low-end. Hard drives will continue to dominate the storage market for several years.

Capacities of up to 2 TB cannot yet be realized on flash memory; and if it were possible, it would cost thousands. The cost advantage in the mainstream is even more significant, as terabyte hard drives are available at only $100, while you have to spend three times as much for only 10-20% of the capacity on flash SSDs. And finally, the flash market could not even supply sufficient flash memory to saturate the storage demands of today (and tomorrow). 

Desktop Hard Drive Analysis

We will look at some notebook hard drives in a future article, as these HDD types will dominate the storage market in coming years, due to the shift from stationary to mobile computing. Today we’ll look at three hard drive generations by Samsung: the Spinpoint T166 at 500 GB, the Spinpoint F1 EcoGreen 1000 GB, and the Spinpoint F2 EcoGreen 1500 GB. These represent Samsung’s last three product lines, and they serve as perfect examples to pinpoint where storage is heading.

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Raid Data Recovery Software: Quick Recovery for RAID

Quick Recovery For Raid File Name: Quick Recovery for RAID
Version: RAID-0 Version/RAID-5 Version
Publisher: Unistal Systems
Raid Supported: RAID 0, RAID 5
Analyze Mode: Manual Analyze
Price: $674.00/$994

What can Quick Recovery for RAID?

Quick Recovery RAID is a do-it-yourself non-destructive raid data recovery software. There are just two steps to perform the complete operation. Analysis, Select & Save. Analysis is the most important aspect of data recovery.

Raid 0 Demo:
Raid 5 Demo:


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Miscellaneous Linux Commands

Keys and keycodes and console

Linux Commands dumpkeys        Dump keyboard translation tables.
getkeycodes        Print kernel scancode-to-keycode mapping table.
lesskey        Specify key bindings for less.
loadkeys        Load keyboard translation tables.
psfaddtable        Add a unicode character table to a console font.
psfgettable        Extract the embedded Unicode character table from a console font.
psfstriptable        Remove the embedded Unicode character table from a console font.
resizecons        Change kernel idea of the console size.
setkeycodes        Load kernel scancode-to-keycode mapping table.

Ncurses functions

captoinfo        Convert a termcap description into a terminfo description.
clear        Clear the terminal screen.
infocmp        Compare or print out terminfo descriptions.
reset        Restore run-time parameters for session to default values.
tie        Merge or apply WEB change files.
toe        Table of terminfo entries.
tput        Initialize a terminal or query terminfo database.
tset        Terminal initialization.

CD programs

cdparanoia        An audio CD reading utility.
cdrecord        Record audio or data compact Disks from a master.


alias        Ex:: alias dir=’ls -a’ – Effect: Makes dir list all files (no spaces next to the = sign).
bison        GNU project parser generator.
chvt        Change foreground virtual terminal.
crack        Program used to find bad passwords or crack security.
cvs        Concurrent Versions System.
deallocvt        Gets rid of unused virtual terminals.
dumpkeys        Dump keyboard translation tables.
fc         Fix command. Used to edit the commands in the current history list.
gdbm        The GNU database manager.
gpm        A cut and paste mouse server.
history        Show commands listed in the shell history (last n).
lilo        Boot management program.
mc        Visual shell for Unix like system. A file manager.
nc        A file manager.
pdksh        Public domain Korn shell.
pilot        Filesystem browser.
PS1=”Please enter a command”        Set Bash level 1 response.
PS2=”I need more information”        Set Bash level 2 response.
rcs        Recision Control system. Change RCS file attributes.
sash        Standalone shell with built in commands.
screen        Screen manager with VT100 terminal emulation.
sleep        Ex: “sleep 2” – wait 2 seconds.
tcsh        C shell with filename completion and command line editing.
unalias        Ex: “unalias dir” – Effect: Removes the alias dir.
units        Unit conversion program.

* set – Ex: set t=/temp
* unset – Ex: unset t
* echo – Ex: echo $t

zsh        The Z shell.
ttysnoop        A program that comes with some systems that lets the administrator to snoop on the user’s terminals.

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Linux Network Management


Show the systems DNS domain name

Show or set the systems domain name

Used to show or set the name of your machine for networking

Show or set systems NIS/YP domain name

Show or set the systems DECnet node name

Show or set the system’s NIS/YP domain name

Network setup and commands

This program lets the user read or modify their arp cache.

Send domain name query packets to name servers for debugging or testing.

Display information about the system users.

File transfer program.

Configure a network interface.

Shutdown a network interface.

Brings a network interface up. Ex: ifup eth0

IP firewall administration used to set input, forward, and output rules.

A GUI interactive program to let you configure a network on Redhat systems.

Another GUI step by step network configuration program.

Displays information about the systems network connections, including port connections, routing tables, and more. The command “netstar -r” will display the routing table.

Used to query DNS servers for information about hosts.

Same as ftp.

Send ICMP ECHO_REQUEST packets to network hosts.

DARPA port to RPC program number mapper. Must be running to make RPC calls.

Manipulate the system’s RARP table.

Remote file copy. Copies files between two machines.

Remote execution client for an exec server. The host uses the rexecd server.

Query RIP gateways. Request all routes known by an RIP gateway by sending an RIP request.

Starts a terminal session on a remote host.

Show or manipulate the IP routing table.

Executes command on remote host.

Displays summary of current system status of a remote host or all hosts on the network.

Show host status of local machines.

System status server, maintains database used by rwho and ruptime.

Show mount information for an NFS server.

Access control facility for internet services. Can be set up to monitor requests for Telnet, finger, ftp, exec, rsh, rlogin, tftp, talk, comsat. It filters access for these requests.

Tcp wrapper configuration checker.

Dump traffic on a network. Prints out headers of packets that match the boolean expression.

Predicts how the tcp wrapper will handle a specific request for a service.

User interface to the TELNET protocol, setting up a remote console session.

Print the route that packets take to the specified network host.

Tool to setup Netware access.

Netware filesystem mounting program.

Novell print command.

Netware printer list for a given server.

Netware print server.

Netware server list.


Communications commands (includes mail)

Notifies the system if mail arrives and who it is from.

Biff server to receive reports of incoming mail.

Used to purge old news articles.

Electronic mail.

File transfer protocol.

Berkley mail program.

Interface for sending non-text mail.

Net news.

Program for internet news and e-mail, Can send documents, graphics, local & remote messages.

A popular Unix, Linux mail message transfer agent.

A popular mail message transfer agent which is easier to set up than sendmail.

Lets two parties talk simultaneously.

Allows a user to have a login session across a network on a remote host.

Net news reader.

Allows users to directly interact with other users via terminal number (one way at a time).

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Iphone 3Gs is coming!

Iphone 3Gs 1. Fastest!
Everything you do on iPhone 3G S is up to 2x faster and more responsive than iPhone 3G.

2. Video
You can shoot video, edit it, and share it

3. Megapixel Camera
Built-in autofocus and a handy new feature that lets you tap the display to focus on anything

4. Voice Control
Voice Control recognizes the names in your Contacts and knows the music on your iPod

5. Compass
Built-in digital compass, iPhone 3G S can point the way. Use the new Compass app, or watch as it automatically reorients maps to match the direction you’re facing.

6. Cut, Copy & Paste
Cut, copy, and paste words and photos, even between applications. Copy and paste images and content from the web, too.

7. Landscape Keyboard
Rotate iPhone to landscape to use a larger keyboard in Mail, Messages, Notes, and Safari.

8. Messages
Send messages with text, video, photos, audio, locations, and contact information.

9. Search
Find what you’re looking for across your iPhone, all from one convenient place.

10. Accessibility
IPhone 3G S offers accessibility features to assist users who are visually or hearing impaired.

11. Internet Tethering
Now you can share the 3G connection on your iPhone with your Mac notebook or PC laptop.

12. Voice Memos
Capture and share a thought, a memo, a meeting, or any audio recording on the go with the new Voice Memos application.

13. Nike + iPod
IPhone includes built-in Nike + iPod support. Just slip the Nike + iPod Sensor (available separately) into your Nike+ shoe and start your workout.

14. Stocks
Stocks on iPhone shows you charts, financial details, and headline news for any stock you choose.

15. YouTube
Watch YouTube videos wherever you are.

Meet the fastest, most powerful iPhone yet. iPhone 3G S features video recording, Voice Control, up to 32GB of storage, and more.

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What Should You Do Before a Computer Crash

data backupDo you has the experience a computer crash or data loss? We know that once it happens there is very little we can do about it. Just can pay a data recovery company hundres or thousands of dollars to recover the data or lose the data forever.

What should you do before a computer crash?

Find all of the documents, pictures and other files that are important to you and move them to a central location on your computer. Having documents on your desktop and root folder of your C drive and all kinds of miscellaneous folders is not only a headache when you try to find something, but it will make backing up even harder and waste a lot of space.

The most important part of preparing for a computer crash is to save copies of your work on more than just your single hard drive. You can backup your data by Manual Backup, Backup Software or Backup Media.

Manual Backup.
This is the cheapest option in the short run. However, if you forget to make a regular backup yo u will loose some of your work. This option will likely also take you more time.

Backup Software
You can also choose from several pieces of software that will automate the process and make it much simpler and faster. The big advantage for this is that you can set backups to run at varying frequencies and at times while you aren’t using the computer. See the resource area for several backup solutions.

Backup Media
Regardless of how you backup your computer files, you must have a place to back up your files. You can look for online backup websites that will give you so much space to use for free or a small price. The problem with this is that it can be very slow depending on the speed of your ISP. The biggest advantage however, is that they are likely to have backup servers themselves. You’re next likely choice is to buy a second hard drive. You can buy an internal or external drive. This will give you the quickest way to backup your files on a regular basis. Finally, you can also prepare for a crash by saving your files onto CD or DVD. You will need a CD or DVD writer but these are common on most computers. Optical media like CDs or DVDs however, have a limited lifetime and can get scratched or lost. This is a good secondary backup source but shouldn’t be your own or primary source. A portable USB drive is a very good place to save files to also, but it has the same risks of an optical device. It can be lost or broken.

Regularly check your backups to make sure they will work when you use them. You can do this by opening your files and make sure they work but if you are using a program test it out, make sure you protect your files in at least one other place in case the backup software has a problem and corrupts your files.

Make a list of all the software you have installed on your computer. Find this software and make sure you have a working copy and have the serial number. This is also a good idea to make a backup of your programs.

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Choosing a Data Recovery Company, You should do

data recoveryFirst, you should consider what kind of service you are going to need from a data recovery company.

1) Local Company: you can physically take the hardware to them.

2) A company that can recover your data using remote sources.

Also you should determine how much money you are willing to spend to recover your data. Recovery rates will vary depending on whether you need remote, in-lab or on-site recovery services.

Second, use an internet “Search Engine” to find websites for data recovery companies. Search specifically for local companies if you are going to need in-lab or on-site service.

Third, visit the websites of potential data recovery companies. Make note of each company’s available services, pricing system and testimonials or references. Feel free to eliminate any companies that don’t offer the services you are looking for or whose prices are not close to what you are willing to spend. Many websites will list testimonials, but the testimonials are more dependable if they are from a recognizable company. Any company that lists a Fortune 500 company as a client should top your list of candidates. Check the “Privacy Policy” of any company you are considering. Many companies have specific privacy policies and some will follow your specific instructions on handling your recovered data.

Fourth, call the data recovery companies that you feel offer the service you need at a price you can afford. Eliminate companies that cannot be reached over the phone. You will want a company you know you can contact when necessary.

Fifth, verify with each company the service provided, whether remote, in-lab or on-site, and pricing structure that you are looking for. Answers that differ from what is stated on the company’s website should be looked into further. Consistency in policy is something you should look for in a trustworthy data recovery company.

Sixth, ask the phone representative for each company about their success rate. Any company which claims a 100% success rate is either not being honest with you or has not been in business very long. Also, ask about any service guarantees and whether or not the rates are determined by the amount of data recovered. Finally, ask about the equipment they will use in the data recovery process. The equipment of companies to be considered for in-lab services will use a class 100 clean room and nondestructive methods.

Last, consider your findings with each company and decide which company is trustworthy to recover your lost data.

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Linux Help Commands, Job Management, Process management

1. Linux Help Commands

Linux management apropos        apropos keyword – Show all commands with the keyword in their description. The same as the “man -k” command.
help        Bash shell help for the bash builtin command list. The help command gets help for a particular command.
man        Get help from the manual for a command.
man        man -k keyword – Show all commands with the keyword in their description
“man 2 kill” – Display page 2 of the kill command
manpath        Determine user’s searchpath for manpages.
info        Documentation on Linux commands and programs similar to the man pages but navigation is organized different.

2. Linux Job Management

at        Similar to cron but run only once.
atq        Lists the user’s pending jobs. If the user is the superuser, everybody’s jobs are listed.
atrm        Deletes at jobs.
atrun        Run jobs queued for later execution
batch        Executes commands when system load levels drop below 0.8 or value specified in atrun invocation.
cron        A deamon used to set commands to be run at specific times. Starts the commands in the crontab file. Used to clean up temporary files periodically in the /var/tmp and /tmp directories.
nice        Run a program with modified scheduling priority.
nohup        Run a command immune to hangups, with output to a non-tty.
watch       Execute a program periodically showing output full screen.

3. Linux Process management

bg        Starts a suspended process in the background
fg         Starts a suspended process in the foreground
gitps        A graphical process viewer and killer program.
jobs        Lists the jobs running
kill        Ex: “kill 34” – Effect: Kill or stop the process with the process ID number 34.
killall        Kill processes by name. Can check for and restart processes.
pidof        Find the process ID of a running program
ps        Get the status of one or more processes. Options:

* u (more info)
* a (see all)
* -l (technical info)


* PPID-parent process ID
* PID-process ID

ps ax |more to see all processes including daemons
pstree        Display the tree of running processes.
sa        Generates a summary of information about users’ processes that are stored in the /var/log/pacct file.
skill        Report process status.
snice        Report process status.
top        Display the processes that are using the most CPU resources.
CTRL-C        Kills the current job.
&         At the end of the command makes it run in the background.

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