MFT metafile header corrupted data recovery case
Case:Customers said that they could not browse the prompt “file system error”” under the operating system. Solution:After detection and found that the meta file MFT was destroyed
Case:Customers said that they could not browse the prompt “file system error”” under the operating system. Solution:After detection and found that the meta file MFT was destroyed
Case:The customer is the company’s network management. When doing data migration for the server, deletes the compressed package of a backup with the MySQL library file. The compression package is very large, there are more than 1G.data. Solution:The storage file system is EXT3.Due to the characteristics of the EXT3 file system, files will inevitably produce…
Case:Customers were burned due to the NAS server, which caused the data in NAS to be lost, and the client contacted us and started analyzing. Solution:Customers provide information and say that NAS uses a 4 -set RAID0 storage data. There are three partitions in NAS. As long as the customer needs the last partition data,…
Case:The customer company has a RHEL system, which is deleted by an important directory because of misunderstanding. This RHEL is stored as a RAID of 15 SAS disks and uses the LVM+EXT3 file system. Solution:After careful inquiries and analysis, we found that some data recovery feasibility.Immediately began to analyze RAID, reorganize RAID, and immediately mirror….
Case:The customer company server is suddenly powered off when it is used normally and cannot be started.Enter the RAID card configuration program and find that the array information is lost. Solution:Because the user cannot provide the type of array, we can only judge ourselves. Because there are only two disks, it is better to judge,…
Case:Customers should be damaged by the U disk after using the virus to use anti -virus software to kill the virus and cannot open it. Solution:After simply viewing, it is found that the offset this time is very different from the offset encountered before. The offset in the previous cases encountered was reflected in the…
Case:A customer’s Excel file is destroyed by the virus. When the opening, the error is reported. After the Excel repair, the table can be opened. Because the user has high requirements for the style in the Excel table, the existing restoration causes data errors and requires fixing to the original state. Solution:Use the MS Excel…
Case:The data loss caused by the loss of RAID information is lost. The bottom layer of the ESX is RAID5 composed of 3 130G SAS disks. There is only one RHEL virtual machine in ESX. RHEL is a small ERP server. Solution:Those who have inquired and re -recovered the company after asking for multiple data…
Case:A Delle09S server in Luohu District X was unable to enter the system due to power outages, and RAID information was wrong.Customers are according to the RAID1 dual hard disk array.The hard disk model is WDC WD1002FBYS-18W8B1.The capacity is 1TB.Customer financial data storage server.The customer immediately contacted the data recovery company to recover through the…
Case:Customers have preserved important photos in the CD disc. The CD disc was scratched. Those who ran several data to do data indicated that they could not restore the CD -ROM medium. Solution:After receiving the CD -ROM observation, we found that the plate was seriously injured, but the place where the scratches were more concentrated,…