Inspur server RAID0 information error repaired successfully

Case:The RAID information on the server is wrong, which makes it impossible to access the partition.After the failure, the customer consulted HP engineers, prompting to operate carefully, first find a third -party data recovery company help, and then perform array repair.The customer then contacted our engineers and did not perform other operations. We immediately carried…

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Customers mistakenly restore lost desktop files with one click

Case:According to the customer’s description, after accidentally clicking the one -button restoration, the data on the desktop is lost and data is required to recover. Solution:According to customer descriptions and computer usage, engineers have preliminarily judged that data is hoped to recover.So the engineer first used the independent data recovery software to scan and analyze…

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Open data recovery

Case:Lenovo brand desktop machine, the computer suddenly uses the computer suddenly blue screen, and the hard disk will not be recognized by reorganizing the hard disk. Solution:After being tested by the engineer, it was judged that the hard disk magnetic head was damaged by the quality problem of the hard disk, and the plates that…

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