Sandisk SD 4GB capacity SD card has taken 50 photos. I accidentally pressed all deletes, deleted all the photos on the card at one time, and no new photos were taken after deleting.
Data recovery engineers have not lost and damaged the original data through data underlying analysis and detection.The lost photos are not covered, and the use of professional tools will be recovered in about 10 minutes.Photo recovers successfully.Restore 24-hour hotline: 4006-759388 Reminder: If the file is lost by mistake, do not store any data in the hard disk, do not do any operation of the hard disk, do not format the partitionIt cannot be restored during the secondary damage; if the hard disk is a hardware failure, the hard disk has been damaged or fell, do not power the hard disk, do not turn on the computer, do not connect to the computer, do not try to repair the disk, otherwise the deformation or damaged magnetic head will be very goodIt may scratch the plate, which makes the data completely unable to recover.