I have a blog, and sometimes I’d like to show my readers something specific about computers.
I’ve seen a lot of screen recording software, but all seem to save as video files.
Do any save as an animated GIF? I know how to transform a small video into a .gif, but I believe that I could make a smaller file if the .gif was created directly.
I’d like to be able to make something like this (from Codinghorror’s “Invisible Formatting Tags are Evil“):
Camtasia. If you scroll down, in the comments Jeff says:
Please, tell what tool you did use to make that kind of gif-based animated demo ?
In this case, it’s Camtasia, but I’ve used gif-gif-gif before for similar effects. Check out the Donation Coder roundup of screencasting tools for more options:
Jeff Atwood on May 9, 2006 9:02 AM