Swap 100466725 Seagate Barracuda 11 PCB(Printed Circuit Boards) to recover your data from damaged HDD due to PCB failure. 100466725 is the board number on this PCB. If your HDD’s PCB has problems, the drive usually cannot boot up or there may be an inaccurate display in the BIOS of the hard drive’s information. Also power may not get to the hard drive and as a result it will not spin up.
PCB Board Details:
Name: ST3500320AS
Board Number: 100466725
Main Controller IC: TTB5501C
Motor Combo IC: 100369972
Manufacturer: Seagate
Note: Hard drive failures are NOT always caused by circuit board failure.
Swap Seagate 100466725 Barracuda 11 PCB will not solve the problem below:
1. The hard drive will power up normally (no ticking noises, errors etc) but will not be recognized by the computer;
2. The hard drive will power up normally and be recognized correctly but will report a size of 0 bytes;
3. The hard drive will power up but report SMART errors on boot;
Seagate 100466725 Barracuda 11 PCB Photos:

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