3D Data Recovery
1. What is “3D” Data Recovery?
DeepSpar Data Recovery Systems pioneered the 3D Data Recovery process – a professional approach to data recovery centred on three phases (listed below). DeepSpar has developed training materials, professional services, and industrial hard drive data recovery tools to deal with the challenges of all three phases.
2. Why 3D Data Recovery?
Data recovery industry was in need of a structured, multi-dimensional approach to drive restoration, disk imaging, and data retrieval. Many companies were claiming to do “full” data recovery, but were in fact only using software processes to gather the easiest layer of available data while leaving behind, or worse, destroying, data trapped at deeper levels. The DeepSpar 3D Data Recovery approach addresses drive-level, disk-level and data-level issues so that the maximum amount of data is retrieved.
3. 3D Data Recovery Details:
Phase I:Hard Drive Diagnostics and Repair:
This phase deals with drives that are not responding, and drives that appear functional and can be imaged, but produce useless data.
The solution is to diagnose the drive for damage and make repairs as necessary.
3 types of drive-level problems:
- Mechanical problems. Most professional data recovery companies have tools and methods for addressing mechanical problems.
- Electronic problems. Most professional data recovery companies have only a partial solution for addressing electronic problems.
- Firmware problems. Only the top data recovery companies have the experience and the resources to fix firmware problems.
The DeepSpar 3D Data Recovery Process complements your current methods with a tool that diagnoses mechanical and electronic issues and fixes up to 80%-90% of firmware problems.
Fixing Phase I problems:
DeepSpar recommends PC-3000 Drive Restoration System by ACE Laboratory Russia, which can identify damage using diagnostics, reporting, and specialized utilities.
Phase II:Hard Drive Imaging / Disk Imaging:
This phase deals with drives that have read instability problems, bad sectors or are in danger of failure.
In this phase, the contents of the repaired drive are read and copied to another disk using disk imaging software and hardware. Disk imaging prevents further data loss caused by working with an unstable drive during the subsequent data retrieval phase.
Phase II problems
Most Data Recovery companies are using imaging tools that are designed only for use on “good” drives. This does not provide maximum data for three reasons:
- The imaging software processes are so intense that they further damage hard drives.
- The imaging software skips bad sectors and only copies good sectors.
- The imaging software takes days or weeks to image bad drives.
DeepSpar Data Recovery Systems provides hardware and software imaging tools that handle disk-level issues.
Fixing Phase II problems:
DeepSpar recommend Disk Imager for this phase, because it uses lighter, faster operations to minimize disk degradation, even when reading bad sectors.
Phase III :File System Recovery and Data Retrieval:
In this phase, original files that were copied to the image drive are retrieved using software.
Phase III problems
Using generic data retrieval / file system recovery tools, data recovery companies typically run into the following areas of difficulty:
- They can’t retrieve files because of a corrupt file system.
- They can’t guarantee the integrity of the files they have recovered.
- They can’t handle corrupted files that have been retrieved.
The DeepSpar 3D File System Recovery Process provides tools that address drive-level, disk-level and data-level issues so that the maximum amount of data is retrieved.
Fixing Phase III problems:
DeepSpar Data Recovery Systems offers a number of tools to address the issues that arise in Phase III:
* File system recovery: Corrupted file system structures such as corrupted directories or boot sectors are rebuilt using PC-3000 Data Extractor.
* File verification: Recovered files are tested for potential corruption. DeepSpar provides a file verification tool that generates a report which can be delivered to the client.
* File repair: If necessary, corrupted files are repaired if data could not be fully restored in previous phases, or if corruption has occurred because of partial restoration, disk imaging is repeated to retrieve more sectors.
Related Links:
- Download a data sheet on 3D Data Recovery Process.
- HDD Repair And Data Restoration Tool: PC3000 UDMA
- Harddisk Diagnostic & Harddrive repair tool: PC 3000 System