Latest Data Recovery News
1. Hard Drive Firmware Package is available!
Including: One USB Flash Drive(2G) + Firmwarebase.com Account + 2G Firmwares. Free Shipping!
– www.firmwarebase.com/index.php?act=register
2. 20% Off for Getway Raid Recovery Software!
20% off for a limited time only! Popular Raid Recovery Software can get data back from various types of arrays, including RAID 0, RAID 5, RAID 5E, RAID 5EE and RAID 6.
– www.getwayrecovery.com/purchase.html
Why to submit your Data Recovery News here?
With the popularization of computer and the rapid development of network technology, data recovery industry are being got more and more attention. Many data recovery companies stand out from the fierce competition. Technique propaganda becomes their key to win the market!
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All the news should relate to data recovey/HDD repair, such as: software update, new webiste publish, products/services discount, new technologies, new data recovery business development, etc. All Words should be limited in 30 words.
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