Disk Image Tool: DeepSpar Disk Imager
What is DeepSpar Disk Imager?
DeepSpar Disk Imager is a disk imaging tool built to solve disk-level problems and to recover bad sectors on a hard drive.
Main Features of DeepSpar Disk Imager:
- DeepSpar Disk Imager is able to retrieve up to 90 percent of bad sectors that are partially corrupted and cannot be cloned/imaged by ordinary means.
- While system software, such as BIOS or OS, tries to prevent you from retrieving and copying corrupted data, DeepSpar Disk Imager bypasses it to give you access to all available data, good and bad.
- Special vendor-specific ATA commands are used that pre-configure the hard drive for imaging, reduce the number of read operations and the intensity of the operations, which causes disk degradation.
- DeepSpar Disk Imager reduces the time it takes to image a disk with bad sectors, doing in hours what could take days or even weeks with ordinary clone/image tools.
- Failing hard drives are imaged with care and intelligence, using as few passes as possible to get the most information.
- Stop and continue imaging as needed – configuration information together with the map of good/bad/unprocessed sectors are saved on the destination drive, so whenever you stop you will have the read status of each imaged sector.
- The imaging hardware automatically resets/reboots drives that become unresponsive to continue imaging process, so you don’t need to stand around watching and waiting for the entire system to be rebooted.
- Real-time reporting gives you a window on the type and quality of data you’re imaging – while the process is still underway. You can even see the number and type of files or OS structure elements imaged so far.
- You have total control over imaging parameters: single or multiple passes, read timeouts, retry attempts, bad sector retrieval (Error Correction Code (ECC) processing), selectable ATA read commands, and error-dependent imaging algorithm based on UNC/AMNF/IDNF/ABRT bad sectors or read/ready timeouts. This gives you ability to apply all possible methods to retrieve data from bad sectors of partially failed hard drives in multiple passes.
- DeepSpar Disk Imager supports only selected ATA controllers, either add-on or onboard. This is required to bypass system software and work on a hardware-level to achieve maximum performance and reliability of the imaging process.
What is DeepSpar Disk Imager Forensic Edition?
DeepSpar Disk Imager Forensic Edition is a portable version of DeepSpar Disk Imager with addition of forensic-specific functionality.
Main Features of DeepSpar Disk Imager Forensic Edition?
DeepSpar Disk Imager makes an imaging process “visual”, so you see the read status of each retrieved sector (i.e. whether the sector is integral, partially corrupted or unreadable), what data is being imaged (i.e. whether you are imaging used or unused space of the drive), and what type of files you are imaging (i.e. Pictures, Microsoft Office files, executables, etc.)
- Stop and continue imaging as needed – configuration information is saved on the destination drive, so you can just select “continue imaging” to continue from wherever you stopped.
- The map of good/bad/unprocessed sectors is saved in HPA area of the destination drive, so you have integrity status of each sector of the image, which improves quality of the acquired data.
- Special vendor-specific ATA commands are used to disable Auto-Relocation of bad sectors so that you retrieve data rather then lose it due to the fact that the drive modifies data by itself (remaps bad sectors). Read more about this process in our whitepaper “Disk Imaging: A Vital Step in Data Recovery”.
About DeepSpar:
DeepSpar is an Ottawa, Canada-based company dedicated to providing “serious gear for data recovery professionals”.
DeepSpar was founded on an exclusive partnership with ACE Laboratory Russia to market the PC-3000 family of products in North America.
Useful Links:
- Read a data sheet on DeepSpar Disk Imager
- Read a data sheet on DeepSpar Disk Imager Forensic Edition
- Download a DeepSpar Disk Imager Demo Video
- Download a DeepSpar Disk Imager Data Recovery Edition Demo Video
- Read what clients say about DeepSpar Disk Imager
- Read about the 3D Data Recovery Process
- Read a white paper: “Disk Imaging: A Vital Step in Data Recovery“
- Contact Deepspar to find out more about DeepSpar Disk Imager, Such as DeepSpar Price (Cost)