Download Data Recovery Software: Digital Rescue Premium
Software: Digital Rescue Premium
Price: $49.99
Publisher: Data Transfer. LLC
Catalog: Data Recovery Softwares
An easy-to-use interface and “Smart Wizard” make finding and restoring your accidentally deleted photos, videos, music, emails and other files easier than ever before.
Main Features:
- Recover deleted photos, music and videos.
- Recover deleted Microsoft Office files, tax documents and more.
- Restore deleted email messages and attachments from Windows Mail, Outlook Express, Outlook and Thunderbird email programs.
- Recover deleted Outlook Calendars, Tasks, Notes, Journal Entries, Addresses and More.
- Recover files deleted after the Recycle Bin has been emptied.
- Search for recoverable files by name, file type, file extension and more.
- Preview files before performing a recovery.
- Recover multiple files at the same time (Batch Recovery).
- Recover files from PCs, external hard disk drives, USB Flash Drives, SD Cards and more.
Minimum System Requirements
- Microsoft® Windows Vista™, Windows XP, or Windows 2000 Operating System
- Intel® Pentium® (or equivalent) 350MHz processor
- 32MB of RAM (256MB recommended)
- 800 x 600, 16-bit color Graphics Card
- 10MB of Available Disk Space
- CD/DVD ROM drive
1. Why Can’t Digital Rescue see my drive I want to recover?
The device may be showing in the selection menu, just labeled differently. Usually it is called “volume 1”. If you still cannot see the drive, restart your computer and try again. If you continue having issues with Digital Rescue not recognizing your drive please identify the file system for that drive. This can be accomplished using the following steps:
- Double Click on “My Computer”
- Right Click on the Drive you are identifying (ie “F:”)
- Select Properties
- Locate the Line on the Properties Page that says “File System”
If the drive has a files system “RAW” you will need to perform a “Quick Format“.
Quick Format can be accomplished using the following Steps:
- Double Click on “My Computer”
- Right Click on the Drive you are formatting
- Select “Format”
- Select “Quick Format”
- Proceed with Format
Quick format does not erase the drive, it will only place an appropriate file system header on the drive such as “NTFS”. Once your drive has an appropriate file system, Digital Rescue will be able to access the drive.
2. Why can’t Digital Rescue see my SD card?
If you are directly connecting you SD card into the SD card reader in your computer, Digital Rescue may not be able to detect it. Please use either your camera or a USB card reader to access your SD card through the computer. Please make sure your USB reader appears in Windows Explorer as a “Removable Storage Device”
3. I accidentally formatted my drive and I don’t see any files when I perform a scan. Why can’t I see them?
Formatting your drive deletes your old file allocation table and creates a new one. Digital Rescue will not be able to locate those files because they belonged to the old file allocation.
“For the best in data recovery, we recommend the “Top Ten REVIEWS Gold Award” Digital Rescue Premium. This software offers the unbeatable combination of a user-friendly design, a hefty feature set and one the most effective data recovery capacities we’ve seen.”
Download/Buy data recovery software: Digital Rescue Premium