Disk Imaging: Image by selective head(s)
Drives presented for recovery sometimes have some heads or surfaces damaged (physical damage). The problem is severe enough for the drive to stop working in its native system. However, with the latest upgraded Data Compass DCEXP utility, it is possible now (before installation of MHA replacement) to create a copy of data using the remaining good surfaces or drive heads; small files can even be recovered directly.
What’s more, this procedure will also be essential in cases:
1. When the drive is having read instability problem: by reading the surfaces one by one, it greatly reduces the seek time & times, smoothes the reading of the data, thus in some cases the original “damaged” head or surface becomes available, and users will then have no need to perform a risky MHA replacement.
2. When users have only a donor MHA with some heads damaged also: we can use the native head to read the available data first and then replace it with the donor one for reading the available data; if these two MHAs happen to be a complement to each other (for example native MHA with head 1 damaged, and donor MHA happens to have head 1 remained good), even in fact we don’t have/use a good MHA at all, we can recover all the data on the drive.
See More: Image by selective heads