EnCase Computer Forensics Training for Beginners
Guidance Software is recognized globally as a world leader in Digital Forensics, Cyber Security, and E-Discovery solutions. Their services include incident response, computer forensics, litigation support, and experts with hands-on experience in digital investigation. Each year they train over 6,000 corporate, law enforcement, and government professionals in digital forensics, e-discovery, security, and incident response.
This hands-on forensics training course involves practical exercises and real-life simulations in the use of EnCase® Forensic version 7 (EnCase v7). The class provides participants with an understanding of the proper handling of digital evidence from the initial seizure of the computer/media to acquisition, including the use of FastBloc® SE and LinEn. Instruction then progresses to the analysis of the data. It concludes with archiving and validating the data. Delivery method: Group-Live. NASBA defined level: basic.
Students attending this forensics training course will learn:
- The EnCase v7 computer forensic methodology
- What constitutes digital evidence and how computers work
- Basic structures of the FAT and NT file systems
- How to create a case and how to preview and acquire media
- How to conduct raw and index searches
- How to analyze file signatures and view files
- How to conduct hash analysis and import hash sets
- How to prepare reports, using templates provided with EnCase v7
- How to restore evidence
- How to archive files and data created through the analysis process
- The proper techniques for handling and preserving evidence
Level: Introductory
Prerequlslte: Basic computer skills. Advance preparation for this course is not required.
Tuition: $2,495.00 USD per student.
Note: This training course is intended for IT security professionals, litigation support and forensic investigators Participants may have minimal computer skills and may be new to the field of computer forensics.
Details: http://www.guidancesoftware.com/computer-forensics-training-encase1.htm