Free Disk Management Programs
Freeware disk reporting tool for Windows. It allows you to find out the size, distribution and structure of used disk space.A folder/directory may contain hundreds of subdirectories each containing thousands of files. Select any folder or disk and Disktective will create a report displaying the real sizes of all directories and all containing subdirectories.
FAT32 Formatter
Although the Fat32 file system supports volumes of up to 2TB (= 2000 Gigabytes), Windows only allows formatting FAT32 partitions when they are 32 gigabytes or smaller.This freeware and open-source “FAT32 Formatter” utility solves this problem by enabling you to format FAT32 drives and partitions of up to 2 TB.
Free format tools for floppies: 360kb, 720kb, 1.2mb, 1.44mb, 1.68mb & 1.72mb
IDE/ATA diagnostics utilities
Utilities for low level surface scans, detecting drive options, diagnosing IDE drives, detecting associations between physical and logical drives.
A port of the Linux mkdosfs command line tool to Windows. It allows you to format FAT32 partitions also when they are larger than 32GB (Windows can only format FAT32 up to 32 Gb).
Partition Logic
A free hard disk partitioning program which can create, delete, format, defragment, resize, and move partitions and modify their attributes. It can also copy entire hard disks from one to another.
Ranish PartitionManager
Freeware. Ranish Partition Manager is a boot manager and hard disk partitioner. It gives users high level of control for running multiple operating systems, such as Windows 98/NT/XP, Linux, FreeDOS, and FreeBSD on a single disk.