Linux Document Preparation
addftinfo Add information to troff font files for use with groff.
afmtodit Create font files for use with groff.
colcrt Filter nroff output for CRT previewing.
enscript Convert text files to postscript.
eqn Format equations for troff. Compiles descriptions of equations embedded in troff.
geqn Used to print special symbols and complex equations. Not user friendly.
git GNU interactive tools.
gitaction Per file type action script.
gitkeys Display key sequence utility.
gitmount Allows any block device to be mounted.
gitps A graphical process viewer and killer program.
gitrgrep A recursive grep program.
gitunpack Used to unpack archive files in a given directory.
gitview A hexadecimal or ASC file viewer.
grodvi Convert Groff output to TeX dvi format, normally run by groff.
groff Used as a front end for the groff document formatting system.
grops Postscript driver for groff. invoked by groff.
gtbl Used to prepare charts, multicolumn lists and tabular formats.
hpftodit Create font description files for use with groff.
indxbib Make inverted index for bibliographic databases.
lookbib Search bibliographic databases.
nroff Emulate nroff command with groff.
pfbtops Translate a postscript font in .pbf format to ASCII.
pic Compile pictures for troff or Tex.
psbb Extract bounding box from postscript document.
refer Preprocess bibliographic references for groff.
rpm2html Make an html database from rpm repository.
soelim Interpret .so requests in groff input.
tbl Format tables for groff.
TeX Used to format professionally typeset documents (Chapters, Headings, and paragraphs).
texi2html Texinfo to html converter.
tfmtodit Create font files for use with groff.
troff Formats documents as part of the groff document formatting system.
yacc A parser generator.