Hard Disk Drive Resource Links (Linux System)

This document describes how best to use multiple discs and partitions for a Linux system. Although some of this text is Linux specific, the general approach outlined here can be applied to many other multi tasking operating systems.

This document describes how to copy a Linux system from one hard disc to another.

This document describes how to rescue your Linux partition if MS-DOS deleted it.

This document explains how to plan and layout disc space for a Linux system. It talks about disk hardware, partitions, swap space sizing and positioning considerations, file systems, file system types, and related topics. The intent is to teach some background knowledge, not procedures.

This document covers how to configure disc drives with more than 1024 cylinders for use with Linux.

This document provides a cookbook for creating a root mounted RAID file system and companion fallback rescue system using Linux initrd. There are complete step-by-step instruction for both raid1 and raid5 md0 devices. Each step is accompanied by an explanation of its purpose. Included with this revision is a generic Linux initrd file which may be configured with a single three line /etc/raidboot.conf file for raid1 and raid5 configurations.

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Linux Document Preparation

addftinfo        Add information to troff font files for use with groff.
afmtodit        Create font files for use with groff.
colcrt        Filter nroff output for CRT previewing.
enscript        Convert text files to postscript.
eqn        Format equations for troff. Compiles descriptions of equations embedded in troff.
geqn        Used to print special symbols and complex equations. Not user friendly.
git        GNU interactive tools.
gitaction        Per file type action script.
gitkeys        Display key sequence utility.
gitmount        Allows any block device to be mounted.
gitps        A graphical process viewer and killer program.
gitrgrep        A recursive grep program.
gitunpack        Used to unpack archive files in a given directory.
gitview        A hexadecimal or ASC file viewer.
grodvi        Convert Groff output to TeX dvi format, normally run by groff.
groff        Used as a front end for the groff document formatting system.
grops        Postscript driver for groff. invoked by groff.
gtbl        Used to prepare charts, multicolumn lists and tabular formats.
hpftodit        Create font description files for use with groff.
indxbib        Make inverted index for bibliographic databases.
lookbib        Search bibliographic databases.
nroff        Emulate nroff command with groff.
pfbtops        Translate a postscript font in .pbf format to ASCII.
pic        Compile pictures for troff or Tex.
psbb        Extract bounding box from postscript document.
refer         Preprocess bibliographic references for groff.
rpm2html        Make an html database from rpm repository.
soelim        Interpret .so requests in groff input.
tbl        Format tables for groff.
TeX        Used to format professionally typeset documents (Chapters, Headings, and paragraphs).
texi2html        Texinfo to html converter.
tfmtodit        Create font files for use with groff.
troff        Formats documents as part of the groff document formatting system.
yacc        A parser generator.

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Linux Printing and Programming

Linux Printing

banner        Print a large banner on printer.
lpr        Print, submits a job to the printer.
Ex: lpr -Pdest filename. Dest is the destination printer. the name of the file to print is filename.
lpc        Lets you check the status of the printer and set its state.
lpq        Shows the contents of a spool directory for a given printer.
lprm         Removes a job from the printer queue.
gs        Ghostscript – A PostScript interpreter.
pr        Print a file. Ex: pr filename |pg.
tunelp        Set various parameters for the lp device.

Linux Programming

as86        Assembler
awk        C programming language – allows finding of lines with specific characters.
bc        A precision calculator language.
cproto        Reads in c source files and generates function prototypes for all the functions.
ctags        Generate tag (index) files for source code.
dialog        Display dialog boxes from shell scripts.
egcs        GNU project C and C++ compiler.
f2c        Converts fortran code to c code.
gawk        Pattern scanning and processing language. GNU’s implementation of awk.
gcc        GNU c and c++ compiler.
-g        Produce debugging information.
-pg        Generate profile info that will allow the gprof program to display timing info.
gdb        Debugging program.
gprof        In /usr/bin, allows you to tell where most of the execution time is spent in a program.
igawk        Gawk with include files.
indent        Reformats c source code for consistent indenting and opening and closing brackets consistent.
ld         The GNU linker.
ld86        Linker for as86.
make        GNU make utility to maintain a group of programs.
nm        Lists symbols from object files.
objcopy        Copy and translate object files.
objdump        Display information from object files.
p2c        Converts pascal code to c code.
prompt        set prompt = “waldo” (in C shell) ps1 = ‘waldo’ (in BOURNE shell)
PS1=”[\u@\h \w]\\$ ” makes prompt = [username@hostname current directory]
see the BASH or your shell’s man page for more information.
size        List section sizes and total size.
strip        Discard symbols from object files.
xxgdb        X windows based graphical user interface to gdb.

Scripting Languages

Perl        A command interpreter for the Practical Extraction and Report Language (perl).
Python        A report language.
Tcl        Tool command language shell. Enter by typing tclsh.
info        Return information about the state of the Tcl interpreter.
Tk        A graphical user extension to Tcl based on X windows. Commands are same as Tcl.

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Linux User Management

ac        Print statistics about users’ connect time.
accton        Turn on accounting of processes. To turn it on type “accton /var/log/pacct”.
adduser        Ex: adduser mark – Effect: Adds a user to the system named mark
chage        Used to change the time the user’s password will expire.
chfn        Change the user full name field finger information
chgrp        Changes the group ownership of files.
chown        Change the owner of file(s ) to another user.
chpasswd        Update password file in batch.
chroot        Run command or interactive shell with special root directory.
chsh        Change the login shell.
edquota        Used to edit user or group quotas. This program uses the vi editor to edit the quota.user and quota.group files. If the environment variable EDITOR is set to emacs, the emacs editor will be used. Type “export EDITOR=emacs” to set that variable.
faillog        Examine faillog and set login failure limits.
finger        See what users are running on a system.
gpasswd        Administer the /etc/group file.
groupadd        Create a new group.
grpck        Verify the integrity of group files.
grpconv        Creates /etc/gshadow from the file /etc/group which converts to shadow passwords.
grpunconv        Uses the files /etc/passwd and /etc/shadow to create /etc/passwd, then deletes /etc/shadow which converts from shadow passwords.
groupdel        Delete a group.
groupmod        Modify a group.
groups        Print the groups a user is in
id        Print real and effective user id and group ids.
last        Display the last users logged on and how long.
lastb        Shows failed login attempts. This command requires the file /var/log/btmp to exist in order to work. Type “touch /var/log/btmp” to begin logging to this file.
lastcomm        Display information about previous commands in reverse order. Works only if process accounting is on.
lastlog        Formats and prints the contents of the last login.
logname        Print user’s login name.
newgrp        Lets a suer log in to a new group.
newusers        Update and create newusers in batch.
passwd        Set a user’s pass word.
pwck        Verify integrity of password files.
pwconv        Convert to and from shadow passwords and groups.
quota        Display users’ limits and current disk usage.
quotaoff        Turns system quotas off.
quotaon        Turns system quotas on.
quotacheck        Used to check a filesystem for usage, and update the quota.user file.
repquota        Lists a summary of quota information on filesystems.
sa        Generates a summary of information about users’ processes that are stored in the /var/log/pacct file.
smbclient        Works similar to an ftp client enabling the user to transfer files to and from a windows based computer.
smbmount        Allows a shared directory on a windows machine to be mounted on the Linux machine.
smbpasswd        Program to change users passwords for samba.
su        Ex: su mark – Effect: changes the user to mark, If not root will need marks password.
sulogin        Single user login.
ulimit        A bash builtin command for setting the processes a user can run.
useradd        Create a new user or update default new user information.
userdel        Delete a user account and related files.
usermod        Modify a user account.
users        Print the user names of users currently logged in.
utmpdump        Used for debugging.
vigr        Edit the password or group files.
vipw        Edit the password or group files.
w        Display users logged in and what they are doing.
wall        Send a message to everybody’s terminal.
who        Display the users logged in.
whoami        Print effective user id.

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Linux System Management


Linux System Management env        Show all environment variables.
export        Set the value of a variable so it is visible to all subprocesses that belong to the current shell.
printenv        Print all or part of environment.
reset        Restores runtime parameters for session to default values.
set        Shows how the environment is set up. This is a builtin bash command.

Library management

ldconfig        Updates the necessary links for the run time link bindings.
ldd        Tells what libraries a given program needs to run.
ltrace        A library call tracer.
trace        Same as ltrace.

Module and kernel management

depmod        Handle loadable modules automatically. Creates a makefile-like dependency file.
dmesg        Print or control the kernel ring buffer. This shows the last kernel startup messages.
genksyms        Generate symbol version information.
insmod        Install loadable kernel module.
lsmod        List currently installed kernel modules.
modprobe        Used to load a set of modules that are marked with a specified tag.
rmmod        Unload loadable modules.

Runtime level management

exit        Terminates the shell.
halt        Stop the system.
init        Process control initialization.
initscript        Script that executes inittab commands.
logout        Log the user off the system.
poweroff        Brings the system down.
reboot        Reboot the system.
runlevel        List the current and previous runlevel.
setsid        Run a program in a new session.
shutdown        If your system has many users, use the command “shutdown -h +time message”, where time is the time in minutes until the system is halted, and message is a short explanation of why the system is shutting down.
# shutdown -h +10 ‘We will install a new disk. System should be back on-line in three hours.’
telinit        By requesting run level 1 a system can be taken to single user mode.

System Configuration tools

ctrlaltdel        Set the function of the ctrl alt del combination.
isapnp        Configure ISA plug and play devices.
kbdconf         A Redhat Linux tool which configures the /etc/sysconfig/keyboard file which specifies the location of the keyboard map file. This is a GUI based tool.
kbdrate        Set the keyboard repeat rate and delay time.
kernelcfg        A Redhat GUI kernel configuration tool, Start X, then run it from a console session.
linuxconf        Redhat’s GUI linux system configuration tool.
lspci        List all pci devices.
mesg        Control write access to your terminal.
mouseconfig        A Redhat Linux tool used to configure the /etc/sysconfig.mouse file. This is a GUI tool.
ndc        Script file used to restart, stop, start the DNS server.
Printtool        Redhat’s GUI printer configuration tool.
quota        Display disk usage and limits.
quotacheck        Scan a filesystem for disk usages.
quotaoff        Turn file system quotas off.
quotaon        Turn file system quotas on.
samba        Script file used to stop, start, restart samba services when not run using inetd.
setpci        Configure pci devices.
setserial        Set/get serial port information.
setterm        Set terminal attributes.
setup        Set up devices and file systems.
stty        Used to configure and print the console devices.
swapon        Enable devices and files for paging and swapping.
swapoff        Disable devices and files for paging and swapping.
timeconfig        A Redhat Linux tool used to configure the /etc/sysconfig/clock file. This is a GUI tool used to set timezone and whether or not the clock is set to GMT time.
tset        Used to initialize terminals.

System Information

arch        Print machine architecture.
df         Shows disk free space.
du        Shows disk usage.
free        Display used and free memory on the system.
ipcrm        Provide information on ipc facilities.
ipcs        Same as ipcrm.
lsdev        Display information about installed hardware via files in the /proc directory.
lsof        List open files.
lspci        List PCI devices .
pnpdump        Lists ISA plug and play devices resource information.
procinfo        Display system status gathered from proc.
pstree        Display a tree of processes.
runlevel        Find the current and previous system runlevel.
strace        Trace ssytem calls and signals for a binary program.
stty        Change and print terminal line settings.
tload        Prints a graphic representation of the system load average.
tty        Print the filename of the terminal connected to standard input.
uname        Print system information, Prints Linux.
vmstat        Report virtual memory statistics.
xcpustate        Displays CPU states (idle, nice, system, kernel) statistics. Runs in X?

System Logging

klogd        Kernel log daemon which intercepts and logs Linux kernel messages.
logger        Make entries in the system log.
syslogd        Linux system logging utilities.
sysklogd        Linux system logging utilities.

System Security

System time
cal        Calendar.
clock        Used to change or get current time. The command “clock -–w” sets the hardware clock.
date        Print or set the system date and time.
hwclock        Set or read the hardware CMOS clock.
timed        Time server daemon to synchronize the host’s time with other machines, normally invoked at boot time from the rc(8) file.
timedc        Timed control program.
tzset        Used to change the users private time zone by setting the TZ environment variable.
uptime        Reports how long the system has been running.
zdump        Prints the current time in each zonename named on the command line.
zic        Reads text from files named on the command line and creates time conversion files.

X Management and programs

SuperProbe        Probe video hardware.
Xconfigurator        The Redhat tool used during system setup to configure X.
xconsole        Displays messages usually sent to /dev/console.
xf86config        Older version of XF86Setup.
XF86Setup        A newer X configuration program with a GUI interface which modifies the “/etc/X11/XF86Config” configuration file.
xvidtune        This program will test video modes on the fly without modification to your X configuration. Read the usr/X11R6/lib/X11/doc/VideoModes.doc file before running this program.

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Miscellaneous Linux Commands

Keys and keycodes and console

Linux Commands dumpkeys        Dump keyboard translation tables.
getkeycodes        Print kernel scancode-to-keycode mapping table.
lesskey        Specify key bindings for less.
loadkeys        Load keyboard translation tables.
psfaddtable        Add a unicode character table to a console font.
psfgettable        Extract the embedded Unicode character table from a console font.
psfstriptable        Remove the embedded Unicode character table from a console font.
resizecons        Change kernel idea of the console size.
setkeycodes        Load kernel scancode-to-keycode mapping table.

Ncurses functions

captoinfo        Convert a termcap description into a terminfo description.
clear        Clear the terminal screen.
infocmp        Compare or print out terminfo descriptions.
reset        Restore run-time parameters for session to default values.
tie        Merge or apply WEB change files.
toe        Table of terminfo entries.
tput        Initialize a terminal or query terminfo database.
tset        Terminal initialization.

CD programs

cdparanoia        An audio CD reading utility.
cdrecord        Record audio or data compact Disks from a master.


alias        Ex:: alias dir=’ls -a’ – Effect: Makes dir list all files (no spaces next to the = sign).
bison        GNU project parser generator.
chvt        Change foreground virtual terminal.
crack        Program used to find bad passwords or crack security.
cvs        Concurrent Versions System.
deallocvt        Gets rid of unused virtual terminals.
dumpkeys        Dump keyboard translation tables.
fc         Fix command. Used to edit the commands in the current history list.
gdbm        The GNU database manager.
gpm        A cut and paste mouse server.
history        Show commands listed in the shell history (last n).
lilo        Boot management program.
mc        Visual shell for Unix like system. A file manager.
nc        A file manager.
pdksh        Public domain Korn shell.
pilot        Filesystem browser.
PS1=”Please enter a command”        Set Bash level 1 response.
PS2=”I need more information”        Set Bash level 2 response.
rcs        Recision Control system. Change RCS file attributes.
sash        Standalone shell with built in commands.
screen        Screen manager with VT100 terminal emulation.
sleep        Ex: “sleep 2” – wait 2 seconds.
tcsh        C shell with filename completion and command line editing.
unalias        Ex: “unalias dir” – Effect: Removes the alias dir.
units        Unit conversion program.

* set – Ex: set t=/temp
* unset – Ex: unset t
* echo – Ex: echo $t

zsh        The Z shell.
ttysnoop        A program that comes with some systems that lets the administrator to snoop on the user’s terminals.

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Linux File Management and Viewing

File and Directory management

Search the whatis database for files containing specific strings.

Kernel daemon that saves dirty buffers in memory to the disk.

Change the current directory. With no arguments “cd” changes to the users home directory.

chmod <specification> <filename> – Effect: Change the file permissions.
Ex: chmod 751 myfile        Effect: change the file permission to rwx for owner, re for group
Ex: chmod go=+r myfile        Effect: Add read permission for the owner and the group
character meanings u-user, g-group, o-other, + add permission, – remove, r-read, w-write,x-exe
Ex: chmod a +rwx myfile        Effect: Allow all users to read, write or execute myfile
Ex: chmod go -r myfile        Effect: Remove read permission from the group and others
chmod +s myfile – Setuid bit on the file which allows the program to run with user or group privileges of the file.
chmod {a,u,g,o}{+,-}{r,w,x} (filenames) – The syntax of the chmod command.

chown <owner1> <filename> Effect: Change ownership of a file to owner1.

chgrp <group1> <filename> Effect: Change group.

Perform a checksum and count bytes in a file.

cp <source> <destination> Copy a file from one location to another.

Convert and copy a file formatting according to the options. Disk or data duplication.

List directory contents.

Set colors up for ls.

Determines file type. Also can tell type of library (a.out or ELF).

Ex: find $Home –name readme Print search for readme starting at home and output full path.

How to find files quickly using the find command:
Ex: find ~ -name report3 –print

* “~” = Search starting at the home directory and proceed through all its subdirectories
* “-name report3” = Search for a file named report3
* “-print” = Output the full path to that file

Copy multiple files and set attributes.

Make links between files.

File locating program that uses the slocate database.

Loopback device setup.

List files. Option -a, lists all, see man page “man ls”
Ex: “ls Docum Projects/Linux” – The contents of the directories Docum and Projects/Linux are listed.
To list the contents of every subdirectory using the ls command:

1. Change to your home directory.
2. Type: ls -R

Make a directory.

Make a block or character special file.

Make temporary filename.

Move or rename a file. Syntax: mv <source> <destination> Ex: mv filename directoryname/newfilename

Check whether filenames are valid or portable.

Print or list the working directory with full path (present working directory).

Ex: “rm .*” – Effect: Delete system files (Remove files) –i is interactive option.

rmdir <directory> – Remove a directory. The directory must be empty.

Provides a secure way to index files and search for them. It builds a database of files on the system.

Used to print out inode information on a file.

Checksum and count the blocks in a file.

Check file types and compare values.

Change file timestamps to the current time. Make the file if it doesn’t exist.

Kernel daemon to flush dirty buffers back to disk.

List directory contents.

Search the whatis database for complete words.

Locate the binary, source and man page files for a command.

Show full path of commands where given commands reside.

File viewing and editing


Full screen editor.

A hexadecimal or ASC file viewer.

head linuxdoc.txt – Look at the first 10 lines of linuxdoc.txt.



q-mandatory to exit, Used to view files.

b-back q-quit h-help, Used to view files.

Simple text editor.

tail linuxdoc.txt – Look at the last 10 lines of linuxdoc.txt.

Editor with a command mode and text mode. Starts in command mode.

File compression, backing up and restoring

Create modify and extract from archives.

Newer file decompression program.

Decompress files to stdout.

Newer file compression program.

Recovers data from damaged bzip2 files.

Compress data.

Can store files on tapes. to/from archives.

Reads the filesystem directly.

unzip <file> – unzip a gz file.

Compress executable files in place.

gzip <file> – zip a file to a gz file.

Control magnetic tape drive operation.

Can store files on tapes.
Usage: tar cvf <destination> <files/directories> – Archive copy groups of files
Ex: tar /dev/fdo temp Effect: Copy temp to drive A:

Expand data.

unzip <file> – unzip a zip file. Files ending in “.gz” or “.zip” are compressed.

Used to restore compressed files.

Compare compressed files.

Compare compressed files.

Force a .gz extension on all gzip files.

Search possibly compressed files for a regular expression.

File filter for crt viewing of compressed text.

Recompress .z files to .gz files.

zip <file> – make a zip file.

Extra control and piping for files and other outputs

Strip directory and suffix information from filenames.

Ex: cat < filename — Effect: put keyboard input into the file. CTRL-D to exit (end).

Compare two files.

Remove columns from a file.

Columnate lists.

Ex: comm file1 file2 — Effect compare the contents of file1 and file2 produces 3 columns of output. Lines in the first file, lines in second file, lines in both files.

Split a file into sections determined by context lines.

Remove sections from each line of files.

Show the differences between files. Ex: diff file1 file2

Find differences between 3 files.

Strip the non-directory suffix from a filename.

Display a line of text.

Similar to grep -E, compatible with UNIX egrep.

Convert tabs to spaces.

Evaluate expressions.

Do nothing. Exit with a status indicating failure.

Same as grep -F.

Wrap each input line to fit in specified width.

Join lines of two files in a common field.

grep pattern filename.
Ex: grep ” R ” — Effect: Search for R with a space on each side
Ex: ls –a |grep R — Effect: List all files with an R in them or their info listing.

asc, decimal, hex, octal dump.

Print user’s login name.

Display lines beginning with a given string.

Create named pipes with the given names.

Write each file to standard output with line numbers added.

Dump files in octal and other formats.

Apply a diff file to an original.

Combines from 2 or more files. Ex: paste file1 file 2

Print and format data.

Reverses lines in a file.

Make a typescript of a terminal session.

Find differences between 2 files and merge interactively.

A stream editor. Used to perform transformations on an input stream.

Delay for a specified amount ot time.

Sort a file alphabetically.

Split a file into pieces.

Print the strings of printable characters in files.

Concatenate and print files in reverse.

Read from standard input and write to standard output and files.

Translate or delete characters.

Do nothing. Exit with a status indicating success.

Perform topological sort.

Do underlining.

Convert tabs to spaces.

Remove duplicate lines from a sorted file.

Used to transform files encoded by uuencode into their original form.

Encode a binary file to be sent over a medium that doesn’t support non-ASC data.

Count lines, words, characters in a file. Ex: wc filename.

Build and execute command lines from standard input.

Output the string “y” until killed.

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Linux Filesystem Management

Used to search a disk or partition for badblocks.

Similar to fdisk but with a nicer interface.

Allows direct access to filesystems data structure.

Shows the disk free space on one or more filesystems.

Check and repair MS-Dos filesystems.

Shows how much disk space a directory and all its files contain.

Used to back up an ext2 filesystem. Complement is restore.

Dump filesystem superblock and blocks group information. Ex: dumpe2fs /dev/hda2

Check a Linux second extended filesystem.

Change the label on an ext2 filesystem.

Used to set up filesystems to export for nfs (network file sharing).

Used to fix or create partitions on a hard drive.

Formats a floppy disk.

Used to add new blocks to a filesystem. Must not be run on a mounted file system.

Get/set hard disk geometry parameters, cylinders, heads, sectors.

Initializes a Linux filesystem. This is a front end that runs a separate program depending on the filesystem’s type.

Create a Linux second extended filesystem.

Sets up a Linux swap area on a device or file.

Used to mount a filesystem. Complement is umount.

Query/set image root device, swap device, RAM disk size of video mode. What this does is code the device containing the root filesystem into the kernel image specified.

Same as dump.

Remote magtape protocol module.


Used to restore an ext2 filesystem.

Set floppy drive parameters.

Used to de-activate a swap partition.

Used to activate a swap partition.


Forces all unwritten blocks in the buffer cache to be written to disk.

Adjust tunable filesystem parameters on second extended filesystems.

Unmounts a filesystem. Complement is mount.

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Linux File Formats

linux File formats/etc/crontab
The syntax of each line in this file is:

minute, hour, day of month, Month, day of week, (user name), command

Columns are: device file to mount, directory to mount on, filesystem type, options, backup frequency, and fsck pass number (To specify the order in which filesystems should be checked on boot; 0 means no check.) The noauto option stops this mount from being done automatically on boot. Below is a detailed list of what is on each column.

1. The name of the device such as “/dev/hda1”
2. The mount point. Use “/” for root. Other typical mount points are “/dos” for DOS, “swap” or “none” for the swap partition, and “/mnt/floppy” for “/dev/fd0” (the floppy drive).
3. The type of filesystem. They are: mini, ext, ext2(linux native), xiafs, msdos, hpfs, ntfs, fat32, iso9660(CD-ROM), NFS, swap (for swap space).
4. The mount options for use with the filesystem. Each filesystem type has different mount options. Read the mount man page to see possible options. ro= read only, user- allows normal users to mount the device.
5. The frequency the filesystem needs to be dumped (backed up) by the dump command. For ext2, normally make it 1, for others make it 0. 0 or nothing means it is not dumped. If 1, it is backed up during a system backup.
6. A number telling the order in which the filesystems should be checked at reboot time by the fsck program. Your root should be 1, others are in ascending order or 0 to not be checked.

Sets up host address information for local use. The format is:

IPaddress name1 name2…

Sets the services under the inetd daemon. The fields of this file are:

1. service name
2. socket type
3. protocol
4. wait or nowait
5. user
6. server program name
7. server program command line arguments

Sets the init configuration. An entry in the inittab file has the following format:


Tells LILO how to boot
The lilo.conf file below is for a system which has a Linux root partition on /dev/hda1 and a MS-DOS partition on /dev/hda2. See the “How Linux Works” guide and the “Linux User’s Guidel” for more information.

boot = /dev/hda        # Tell LILO to install the boot loader on the /dev/hda disk boot record
vga = normal        # Set a normal video mode
delay = 60        # The time in tenths of seconds to press <SHIFT> to get the LILO prompt
# Equivalent would be “prompt” on one line, and “timeout=60” on
# another line.
default=msdos        # Sets the default boot to DOS, Without this line, the default is the first stanza
install = /boot/boot.b        # The file containing the boot sector to use
compact        # Have LILO perform some optimization.
map = /boot/map        #Specifies the map file LILO creates when installed
# Section for Linux root partition on /dev/hda2.
image = /vmlinuz        # Location of kernel
label = linux         # Name of the OS that is displayed in the LILO boot menu
root = /dev/hda1         # Location of root partition, if this isn’t here the kernel image must have
# this set using the rdev command
read-only         # Mount read only on startup, Can also be set by rdev
# Section for MSDOS partition on /dev/hda1.
other = /dev/hda2         # Location of partition
table = /dev/hda         # Location of partition table for /dev/hda2
label = msdos         # Name of OS (for boot menu)

if the command “vga= ask” is given, LILO will prompt the user for a video mode at boot time.

The file has one line per username, and is divided into seven colon-delimited fields:

1. Username.
2. Password, in an encrypted form.
3. Numeric user id.
4. Numeric group id.
5. Full name or other description of account. This is called gecos.
6. The user’s home directory.
7. The user’s login shell (program to run at login).

The format is explained in more detail on the passwd manual page.

The main XFree86 configuration file. Type “man XF86Config”

* The first section is “Files”
RgbPath        Sets the path to the X11R6 RGB color database
FontPath        Sets the path to a directory containing X11 fonts
* The second section is “ServerFlags”, all lines are commented out
* The third section is “Keyboard”
* The fourth section is “Pointer”
Protocol        Specifies the mouse protocol
Device        Specifies the device file by which the mouse can be accessed.

* The fifth section is “Monitor” which specifies the characteristics of your monitor
ModeLine        Specifies resolution modes for your monitor

The file, VideoModes.doc describes in detail how to determine the ModeLine values for each resolution mode. Two files, modeDB.txt and Monitors,may have ModeLine information for your monitor. They are located in /usr/X11R6/lib/X11/doc.

* The sixth section is “Screen” describing the video/monitor card configuration for the particular server.
The Driver line specifies the X server that you will be using. Valid Driver values are:

_ Accel: For the XF86 S3, XF86 Mach32, XF86 Mach8, XF86 8514,

XF86 P9000, XF86 AGX,and XF86 W32 servers;
_ SVGA: For the XF86 SVGA server;
_ VGA16: For the XF86 VGA16 server;
_ VGA2: For the XF86 Mono server;
_ Mono: For the non-VGA monochrome drivers in the XF86 Mono and XF86 VGA16 servers.
Be sure that /usr/X11R6/bin/X is a symbolic link to this server.

The Device line specifies the Identifier of the Device section that corresponds to the video card to use for this server. Above, we created a Device section with the line Identifier “#9 GXE 64”

Therefore, we use “#9 GXE 64” on the Device line here. Similarly, the Monitor line specifies the name of the Monitor section to be used with this server. Here, “CTX 5468 NI” is the Identifier used in the Monitor section described above.

*Subsection “Display” defines several properties of the XFree86 server corre-sponding to your monitor/video card combination. The XF86Config file describes all of these options in detail. Most of them are not necessary to get the system working.

The options that you should know about are:

o_ Depth. Defines the number of color planes; that is, the number of bits per pixel. Usually, Depth is set to 16. For the VGA16 server, you would use a depth of 4, and for the monochrome server a depth of 1. If you use an accelerated video card with enough memory to support more bits per pixel, you can set Depth to 24, or 32.

o _ Modes. This is the list of mode names that have been defined using the ModeLine directive(s) in the Monitor section. In the above section, we used ModeLines named “1024×768”, “800×600”,and “640×48″0. Therefore, we use a Modes line of

Modes “1024×768” “800×600” “640×480”

The first mode listed on this line is the default when XFree86 starts. After XFree86 is running, you can switch between the modes listed here using the keys Ctrl – Alt –Numeric + and Ctrl – Alt – Numeric – .
It might be best, when you initially configure XFree86, to use lower resolution video modes like 640×480, which tend to work with most systems. Once you have the basic configuration working, you can modify XF86Config to support higher resolutions.

o_ Virtual. Set the virtual desktop size. XFree86 can use additional memory on your video card to extend the size of the desktop. When you move the mouse pointer to the edge of the display, the desktop scrolls, bringing the additional space into view. Even if you run the server at a lower video resolution like 800×600, you can set Virtual to the total resolution that your video card can support. A 1-megabyte video card can support 1024×768 at a depth of 8 bits per pixel; a 2-megabyte card 1280×1024 at depth 8, or 1024×768 at depth 16. Of course, the entire area will not be visible at once, but it can still be used. The Virtual feature is rather limited. If you want to use a true virtual desktop, fvwm and similar window managers allow you to have large, virtual desktops by hiding windows and using other techniques, instead of storing the entire desktop in video memory. See the manual pages for fvwm for more details about this. Some Linux systems use fvwm by default.

o_ ViewPort. If you are using the Virtual option that is described above, ViewPort sets the coordinates of the upper-left-hand corner of the virtual desktop when XFree86 starts up. Virtual 0 is often used. If this is unspecified, then the desktop is centered on the virtual desktop display, which may be undesirable to you.

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Linux Configuration Files

linux Configuration filesprofile
System wide environment and startup script program.

The /dev/MAKEDEV file is a script written by the system administrator that creates local only device files or links such as device files for a non-standard device driver.

Where the user’s name is matched to a nickname for e-mail.

The configuration for the BOOTP server daemon.

Lists commands and times to run them for the cron deamon.

The configuration file for the DHCP server daemon.

File for RARP mapping from hardware addresses to IP addresses. See the man page ethers(5).

The file describing exported filesystems for NFS services.

The floppy disk parameter table. Describes the formats of different floppy disks. Used by setfdprm.

Can be used to set the filesystem probe order when filesystems are mounted with the auto option. The nodev parameter is specified for filesystems that are not really locally mounted systems such as proc, devpts, and nfs systems.

Lists the filesystems mounted automatically at startup by the mount -a command (in /etc/rc or equivalent startup file).

Similar to /etc/passwd but for groups rather than users.

May contain passwords that let a user join a group.

Used to hold the group password and group administrator password information for shadow passwords.

Specifies how host names are resolved.

List hosts for name lookup use that are locally required.

Shows the host name of this host. Used for support of older programs since the hostname is stored in the /etc/sysconfig/network file.

Configuration file for init, controls startup run levels, determines scripts to start with.

Sets up the services that run under the inetd daemon.

Output by getty before the login prompt. Description or welcoming message.

Output for network logins with LINUX version

Configuration file for ld.so, the run time linker.

Configuration file for LILO.

Limits users resources when a system has shadow passwords installed.

In Debian the system time zone is determined by this link.

Sets user login features on systems with shadow passwords.

Configures the logrotate program used for managing logfiles.

The configuration file for file types. Contains the descriptions of various file formats for the file command.

The message of the day, automatically output by a successful login.

A list of currently mounted file systems. Setup by boot scripts and updated by the mount command.

Used for domain name servers.

Lists names and addresses of your own and other networks, used by the route command.

If this file exists, non-root logins are disabled. Typically it is created when the system is shutting down.

Name service switch configuration file.

The user database with fields giving the username, real name, home directory, encrypted password and other information about each user.

A configuration file for printers.

/etc/profile, /etc/cshlogin,/etc/csh/cshrc
Files executed at login or startup time by the Bourne or C shells. These allow the system administrator to set global defaults for all users.

Describes DARPA internet protocols available from the TCP/IP subsystem. Maps protocol ID numbers to protocol names.

/etc/rc or /etc/rc.d or /etc/rc?.d
Scripts or directories of scripts to run at startup or when changing run level.

Contains files used to control run level 0. Usually these files are softlink files.

Contains files to control run level 1. Scripts beginning with an S are for start, K for kill.

Init runs this when it starts.

Configures the name resolver, specifying the address of your name server and your domain name.

Identifies secure terminals from which root is allowed to log in.

Lists the network services that the system supports.

Shadow password file on systems with shadow password software installed. Shadow passwords move the encrypted password files from /etc/passwd to /etc/shadow which can only be read by root.

Systems with shadow passwords may have this file.

Lists trusted shells. The chsh command allows users to change their login shell to shells listed only in this file.

Can be used by administrator to set the editor environment variable to some editor that is friendly to new users.

A list of users with special privileges along with the commands they can execute.

The configuration file for setting up Samba services.

Used to configure the auto mount daemon.

Used to configure the system clock to Universal or local time and set some other clock parameters.

Controls the system font settings.

This file is used to set some terminal characteristics and environment variables.

Used to configure the keyboard.

This file is used to configure the mouse.

Defines a network interface.

Used to configure pcmcia network cards.

Sets up dynamic routing policies.

Configures static routes on a network.

Used for backup tape device configuration.

The configuration file for the X server.

Configuration file for the syslogd daemon.

The terminal capability database. Describes by what “escape sequences” various terminals can be controlled. See terminfo, termcap, curs_termcap man pages.

Details for terminal I/O.

This file is used to impose special access restrictions on users.

User aliases, path modifier, and functions.

Users environment stuff and startup programs.

User actions to be done at logout.

When this file exists in the user’s home directory, it will prevent check for mail, printing of the last login time, and the message of the day when the user logs in.

Contains keybindings and other bits.

Has networking and environment info.

Information about the processor such as its type, make and performance.

A list of devices configured into the currently running kernel.

Shows which DMA channels are being used at the moment.

Filesystems that are configured into the kernel. The file used to detect filesystems if the /etc/filesystems does not exist.

Shows which I/O ports are in use at the moment.

Shows which interrupts are in use and how many of each there have been.

An image of the physical memory of the system.

Messages output by the kernel. These are also routed to syslog.

Symbol table for the kernel.

The load average of the system.

Information about memory usage, both physical and swap.

Which kernel modules are currently loaded.

Contains information on filesystems currently mounted, similar to /etc/mtab

Contains status information about network protocols.

A symbolic link to the process directory of the program that is looking at /proc. When 2 process look at proc, they get different links.

Various statistics about the system such as the number of page faults since the system was booted.

The time the system has been up.

The kernel version.

FVWM-M4 defines. Contains networking, Xwindows, other setup info.

Time zone datafiles are stored here on the Debian system

Used by finger to tell when a user was last logged in.

Binary info on users that have been logged on. The last command uses this info.

Contains information about users currently logged in. Who and w commands use this file.

Used for domain name server. Placed here optionally, but this is the normal location.

Files used by domain name server. Placed here optionally, but this is the normal location.

Used to store information about failed logins. This file must be first created to activate it.

Contains information about the last time a login was done on the system. Works with lastb(1).

The normal system mail log file.

The main system message log file.

System tracking of user logins. Check this file periodically.

Where mailboxes are usually stored.

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