Simpletech USB External Hard Disk Drive
The external hard drives can be portable and connects to the computer system from external. Cable is used for connecting the external hard drives to computer system; it supports the IDE, SCSI and USB. The other bus standards are also compatible. For windows operating system, the internal hard drives were used in the computer systems during the last years of the twentieth century. On the other hand the external drives were mostly used on Apple Macintosh during the twentieth century.
The USB SimpleTech external hard disc drive is the best solution to fulfill the high capacity data storage medium for transferring the data. It provides high performance with low cost per gigabyte and therefore, it creates good value and customer satisfaction. The design of the SimpleTech USB external hard disc drive is very stylish and its size is also small. On top of the external drive are 4 Light emitting diodes in the form of a circle, these LED are used as a “capacity meter”.
The 25% of total capacity of the external drive is represented by each of the LED. These Light emitting diodes show the used storage space. When the free storage space is lesser than 10%, then the LEDs flash in red color giving an indication to the user. When copying is being done then the LEDs also flash at that time.
The external USB hard disks gain popularity as the backup storage needs increased with the introduction of the internet. The data was to be protected from threats of viruses and unauthorized usage. Therefore, the use of USB disk drives increased. The design and the internal structure are very much similar of both the internal and the external hard disks and are mounted on disc enclosure.
The Linux, UNIX and Windows all the 3 leading operating systems support the USB external hard disk drives. All these operating systems provide the partitioning and the disc formatting tools for the external hard drives. The Operating system can also be installed on the external drives, in this way the applications and programs can run on the computer. The file systems like the NTFS and FAT can also run on the USB external hard disks. In the Windows2000, Windows Vista and WindowsXP the Disk Management Console tool can be used for the partition and formatting of the USB external hard discs. For UNIX operating system the boot camp and the disk utility can be used for this purpose. And for the Linux operating system, the qtparted or the gparted can be used for formatting and partitioning purpose. The small sized external drives are also known as the “pocket drives”.
The flash drives are smaller in size than the pocket hard disks, but they USB external hard drives can transfer and store huge volumes of data. The data storage capacity of the pocket external drives is about 4GB to 8GB. The pocket USB external hard drive is little bit bigger in size than the USB flash drive. There are built in drivers of the pocket external hard disk drives in the operating systems of modern computers. The SimpleTech USB external hard disc drive has recording capacity of 320GB, 750GB and up to 1 Terabyte.