Data Storage: Tape Drives
Quantum Corporation
Supplier of half-inch cartridge tape drives and developer of tape backup and archiving technologies.
www.quantum.com- Exabyte Corporation
Data storage devices including 8mm and Mammoth technology tape drives, automated tape libraries, and media.
www.exabyte.com - Spectra Logic Corporation
Offers high-capacity, automated, robotic tape libraries for data safety and recovery at large data centers.
www.spectralogic.com - OnStream, Inc.
Manufacturer of affordable, high-capacity removable storage solutions for PC servers, workstations, and power desktops.
www.onstream.com - Breece Hill Technologies, Inc.
Supplier of automated tape libraries used in backing up, securing and archiving information.
www.breecehill.com - Ecrix Corporation
Offering VXA data storage tape drives and VXAtape media.
www.ecrix.com - Data Devices International
Tape certifiers, inspectors, 3480 / 3490 tape equipment. Supplies, degaussers. Export shipments. Formats serviced 4mm, 8mm, 1/4, QIC.
www.datadev.com - ATL Products, Inc.
Supplier of midrange DLT automated tape library systems for the network server, midrange and mainframe computer markets.
www.atlp.com - Tapedisk
We make tapes work like disks.
www.tapedisk.com/index.html - BackupWorks.com
Specializing in sales, service, and repair of mass data storage systems.
www.backupworks.com - Pinetree Peripherals Inc.
Repairs and sells STK and other IBM compatible tape drives.
www.pine1nc.com - Peripheral Laboratories
Sales, services, and repairs for DLTs, 4mm DAT drives, autoloaders, libraries, and 8mm tape drives.
www.periphlab.com - Advanced SDLT Tape Storage
Distributes Quantum Super DLT 220, DLT1, DLT 8000 drives, media, autoloaders, and more.
www.sdlttapestorage.com - MP Tapes
Makes IBM-compatible (3480/90E) half-inch cartridge tape drives, including rackmount and desktop form factors.
www.mptapes.com - InStock, Inc.
Offers a range of tape storage solutions and data storage systems like tape drives, autoloaders, tape libraries, and more.
www.instockinc.com - ElectroValue
Offers 9 track and 3480/3490 tape drive packages for the pc.
www.electrovalueinc.com - SourceTek Systems Inc.
Offers tape solutions, disk solutions, and system enhancement products.
www.sourceteksystems.com - TCG, Inc.
Buys and sells new and used Memorex Telex and Sutmyn equipment, and open system disk arrays.
www.tcgsales.com - Super Technologies
Specializing in tape backup sales, and offering other storage products.
www.supertechnologies.com - Eyecote International
Supplier of degaussers for hard drives, computer tapes, cartridges, and most other forms of magnetic media.
www.degausser.info - Tech Support & Services Inc.
QIC, 4mm DAT & 8mm H/S tape drive repair and service, including authorized factory repair for Wangtek, WangDAT, and Tecmar.
www.tsli.com - Moneke Inc.
Source for tape drive parts, sales, and repairs.
www.moneke.com - Xcerta [SPONSOR]
Manufacturer of 9-Track, 3480/3490/3490e and 3590/3590e tape drives for mainframes and PCs.
www.xcerta.com - Tape Drives 4U [SPONSOR]
Seller of new and rebuilt half inch tape drives.
www.tapedrives4u.com - Interface Data
Sales of tape drives from Xcerta, Fujitsu, and M4 Data.
www.interface-data.com - Virtual Tape Library
Virtual tape solutions for backing up and restoring data faster.
www.virtual-tape.com - Advanced Tape Drive Parts
New and refurbished 9-track, 3480/3490/3490e and 3590/3590e tape drive parts.
www.advancedtapedriveparts.com - Oak Systems
Offering the Fastback 59T tape drive with a storage capacity of up to 50GB native and 100GB compressed.
www.fastback59.com - Equiptek
Inexpensive internal tape backup for any PC.
www.eqtek.com - US Tape Media
Specializing in tape media, tape drives, and network storage devices, including tape libraries, network attached storage (NAS) and storage area networks (SAN).
www.ustapemedia.com - J & J Peripherals
Datasonix Pereos tape drive and accessories.
www.jj-peripherals.com - RC Electronics
Specializes in the sales and support of tape drive systems and tape media.
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