WD Hard Drive Circuit Boards Swap Guide
As we know: Western Digital HDD can’t spin; board/chip be burnt; interface broken; etc. These problems are caused by PCB malfunction. Swap PCB of your WD hard drives can resolve the problems. (See also Noise related to PCB in Western Digital hard Drives)
1. WD Hard Drives PCB Swap Guide:
For Western Digital HDDs, just need the donor PCB has the same board number as yours.
2. Before WD PCB Swap you should know:
1. Most PCB’s BIOS chip(ROM Chip) store the unique information. We need change the BIOS form original PCB to replacement PCB, in order to make the replacement PCB compatible with the HDD. The 8pins (4 pins on each sides) with 25P05VP、25P10VP、25F512、25F1024、25F1024AN、SST25VF512、SST25VF010, etc. are the BIOS Chip.
Tips: Most of the TV/Phone Repair Shop can offer these services for just $5-%20
2. Some PCB don’t have separate BIOS. The BIOS be integrated on the Main Controller IC(The biggest chip on the board, also named Main Chip). We should exchange the Main Controller IC to let the HDD be recognized.
3. Where to buy WD Hard Drive Circuit Boards?
WD 2.5″ Laptop Hard Drives PCB:
WD Hard Drives PCB(SATA)
Western Digital Hard Drives PCB(IDE)
Note: These are just PCB (Printed Circuit Boards), not the whole HDD (Hard Disk Drive). More other pcb(Seagate, Maxtor, Samsung, Hitachi) swap guide please refer to this post: hard Drive PCB Swap