Windows 7 – How can I disable the “Open File Security Warning” when I want to run downloaded executable files?

I would like to disable the “Open File Security Warning” that says “Do you want to run this file?” whenever I double click on an .exe I download. I have Windows 7 Home Premium, so I don’t have the group policies editor. I have tried setting a registry value: HKCUSoftwareMicrosoftWindowsCurrentVersionPoliciesAssociations, value DefaultFileTypeRisk to 6152, but this did no good. This is the only entry under Associations, incidentally, and it was empty before I added this.

Is there a way to disable this message on my system (other than unblocking each .exe file)?


Adding these two registry entries prevent the error message “Open File Security Warning” that says “Do you want to run this file?” in Windows 7. As when disabling most security warnings, you should think it through before you do it.
