Windows – autohotkey equivalent on Mac

I am looking for a Mac application similar to AutoHotkey. What are the best Mac applications in this category?


What subset of AHK functionality are you trying to mimic?

Quicksilver comes up in this discussion kind of a lot.  You can have it store snippets of text, fire scripts, and move a lot of stuff between programs.

For actual “macros”, there’s TextExpander.  That’s an input manager that sniffs for certain key combinations and then dashes in to backspace over your magic shortcut and replace it with something static or dynamic.  Like on my system, “ddte” becomes “2009.08.22” in any program whenever I’m typing.

Automator or AppleScript might give you some of the macro stuff without actual macros.  You’ll be dealing with actual application hooks instead of input hacks, but it’s worth checking out.

There’s also Spotlight.